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Report Cards


The school year consists of two semesters.  The following grading system is used at Grand Valley Middle School.

Letter Grade Standard Grading Scale Standard Grade Point Average (GPA)
A 90% - 100% 4
B 80% - 89.9% 3
C 70% - 79.9% 2
D 60% - 69.9% 1
F 59.9% & under is failing 0
Grade Weight: will be based on the standards. 

Make-up Work: (Garfield 16 School Board Policy JH: Student Absences and Excuses)

Make-up work will be provided for any class in which a student has an excused absence unless otherwise determined by the building administrator or unless the absence is due to the student’s expulsion from school. It is the responsibility of the student to pick up any makeup assignments permitted on the day returning to class. There will be 2 business days allowed for make-up work for each day of absence. Make-up work will be allowed following an unexcused absence or following a student’s suspension from school with the goal of providing the student an opportunity to keep up with the class and an incentive to attend school. This work may receive full or partial credit to the extent possible as determined by the building administrator.

Late Work:

Late work will be accepted for up to two weeks from the due date or at the end of the quarter, whichever comes first. Exceptions may be made in order to comply with Garfield 16 School Board Policy JH: Student Absences and Excuses. All late work will be docked 10% and labeled as “Late.”

  • Assignments labeled as “Missing” can still be turned in and will be calculated in the cumulative grade as a zero. Once the assignment is turned in or completed the grade will be updated when applicable. (Please note that current lessons and assignments will take priority.) At the end of two weeks from the due date assignments will be scored as a zero.

Assignments scored as a “zero” will remain as part of the students cumulative grade as the make-up and late work policies have expired.